Bulk Upload Form

Bulk Upload Request Form

First time bulk uploading? Get help from our support team.

Bulk uploading a list of customers into the GetMoreReviews tool can be one of the most effective ways to grow your 5-star reviews FAST.  Using our bulk upload tool is quick and easy, but to give you a jump start, our support team will help you with your first one!
Upload a spreadsheet with your customer's information to the right, and we'll get it in the right format and upload it directly into the tool for you.

Make sure your spreadsheet contains:
  • Customer First Name (required)
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Email Address
  • Customer Mobile Phone Number
*Note - you can include email address AND/OR phone number, but must include at least one for each customer

We'll even send you back your list correctly formatted for upload, so you can use it as a template for future imports!

**We will never share your customer data. Your list will be used solely for import into your business' GetMoreReviews account.

Upload Your Customer List

By checking this box, I authorize Local Business Ally to upload my customer list into my GetMoreReviews tool. I understand that review requests will be sent via email and/or SMS to all the customers on my list.
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